PHP-Tutorial -> competition/manage/index.php
define( "TMPL_PATH", "../../templates" );
define( "TMPL_FILE", "adminform.tmpl" );
define( "HOST", "localhost" );
define( "USER", "<USERNAME>" );
define( "PASSWD", "<PASSWORD>" );
define( "DB", "<DATABASENAME>" );
/* Home: */
require_once "HTML/Template/IT.php";
// Init
$template = new HTML_Template_IT( TMPL_PATH );
$template->loadTemplatefile( TMPL_FILE, true, true );
$name = "";
$email = "";
$bear = "";
$status = "";
// process input
if ( !($_POST["name"] && $_POST["email"] && $_POST["bear"]) ) {
// error
if ( $_POST["name"] ) $name .= $_POST["name"];
else $status .= "Name is missing.<br>";
if ( $_POST["email"] ) $email .= $_POST["email"];
else $status .= "E-Mail is missing.<br>";
if ( $_POST["bear"] ) $bear .= $_POST["bear"];
else $status .= "Suggestion is missing.<br>";
$status .= "Please fill in the required information!";
} else { // no error
$con = dbx_connect( DBX_MYSQL, HOST, DB, USER, PASSWD ) or
die( "<html><body>Error connecting to database!</body></html>" );
$name .= dbx_escape_string( $con, $_POST["name"] );
$email .= dbx_escape_string( $con, $_POST["email"] );
$bear .= dbx_escape_string( $con, $_POST["bear"] );
$result = dbx_query( $con, "INSERT INTO competition (name, email, bear) VALUES ('".$name."','".$email."','".$bear."')" );
if ( $result ) {
$name = "";
$email = "";
$bear = "";
$status .= "Data was successfully written to database!";
} else {
$status .= "Error while inserting data!";
// status .= dbx_error( $con );
dbx_close( $con );
} // else show empty formular
// Data processing
$template->setVariable( "name", $name );
$template->setVariable( "email", $email );
$template->setVariable( "bear", $bear );
$template->setVariable( "status", $status );
// Create HTML output
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');